For your next tattoo, we've compiled a list of seven sexy and unusual spots.

What if you're a lady looking for the perfect place to get a provocative tattoo? Consider carefully where you want your tattoo to go before making a hasty choice. Not because it's not attractive, but because the lower back is the most often tattooed location on a woman's body and you're searching for something new, right? With a lower back tattoo, you may also be concerned about the "tramp stamp" stigma. One of these seductive establishments can help you develop a one-of-a-kind piece just for you.

Seven of the Sexiest Places to Get a Tat

If you're looking for a location that looks excellent with a little ink, there are a few places you're likely to find. We had the lower back tattoo fad in the 1990s, so let's move on to some newer, more forward-thinking spots.

The Nape of the Neck - The female body's nape is one of its most seductive features. This erogenous area is attributed to the vast number of nerve endings at the nape of the neck. Due to its provocative nature, Japanese Geisha wore white makeup on their faces but left their flesh exposed on the backs of their neck. Although our fashion choices don't always reflect this way of thinking, there's no disputing the back of the neck's allure.

The upper back tattoo is closely associated with the nape of the neck. An ideal location for a tattoo is on the upper back, either in the middle or pushed to one side above the shoulder blade. As long as you wear a tank top or t-shirt over it, it's a perfect spot to be inked. A tattoo on the back is a terrific idea.

A woman's hips are an obvious sex symbol, and they don't require any more explanation. The lower back tattoo has found a new home on the hips, which have taken on a more feminine shape. When it comes to getting a hip tattoo, you may either go with a design that covers one hip or both.

Women's ankles are very provocative, and the correct ankle tattoo brings attention to the leg's contours and looks excellent with strappy sandals or heels. Since they were first popularised decades ago, ankle tattoos have been an undeniable fashion statement.

In recent years, the wrist has had a resurgence as a popular site for tattooing after a prolonged absence. Getting a wrist tattoo is still quite uncommon, so you can expect to get a lot of praise and attention for your new ink. If you're worried about embarrassment if you wear your wrist tattoos to work, proceed with care.

Thigh - The female body portion of the thigh is also quite appealing. Covering up thigh tattoos is easy and doesn't need a lot of time or effort. When someone is close enough to you to know about your thigh tattoo, it's like having a little secret that just the two of you know about your life together. That level of closeness has a seductive allure of its own.

Side - An unusual and easy-to-cover tattoo option that is attractive and fascinating. Lettering on one's side is a popular choice for women, but it's possible to create something that complements the curving, extended form of one's ribcage.